
News Clipping

News Clipping

22 January 2018
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Hong Kong Business Magazine
4 February 2016
CityU MBA has the edge, and it is The Sharp!
CityU, a fully accredited university founded in 1984, has grown and changed at a fast pace with the vision to becoming a leading global university, excelling in research and professional education. Much like the growth and change of Hong Kong since 1984, CityU’s MBA program constantly evolves producing future business leaders and entrepreneurs whose skills, experiences, and contacts are in high demand throughout Asia. Why does a CityU MBA give its graduates the edge? “We are SHARP!” says Professor Kevin Chiang who is the MBA Director at CityU.
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20 November 2015
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HK Business Magazine
19 October 2015
CityU MBA: Shaping well-formed business leaders
When the demand for higher education began to see a major surge globally, Hong Kong's educational institutions rose to the occasion as locals and internationals alike evaluated their growing options for postgraduate studies.
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星島日報 Sing Tao Daily
12 March 2015
城市大學商學院MBA課程 - 緊貼市場脈搏 造就商界精英
香港城市大學商學院開辦的工商管理碩士(MBA)課程, 致力為社會培養具有國際視野、前瞻思維、社會責任感與卓越競爭力兼備的商界精英。
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6 March 2015
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Education Post 教育網
2 February 2015
MBA skills help bring Santa cheer to the needy
Five MBA students from City University (CityU) put their business know-how and marketing skills to excellent use when taking part in a special competition linked to a major annual charity campaign.
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進修生活 eduplus.com.hk
1 February 2015
企業管理人員 講求整合性思考能力
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12 December 2014
實戰MBA 國際交流拉闊視野
在職人士對工商管理碩士 (Master of Business Administration,簡稱MBA) 學位趨之若鶩, 因MBA的價值已超越一張「沙紙」, 既是通才培訓, 也是管理層入場券, 故此想將事業推至更高層次, 一個MBA學位會帶來很大幫助。
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14 March 2014
上位必備 綜合性管理培訓
職場上,人才競爭激激烈,在職人士必須凸顯個人優勢,才有機會上位。香港城市大學商學院工商管理碩士課桯主任江偉裕博士表示: 「MBA課程能為管理人捉供一些綜合性訓練,管理人必須了解企業各個部門的功能及營運模式,才能有效解決各部門之間的衝突及調動資源,勝任管理工作。
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