Unleashing the Power of a Global Brand: Royal Albert Hall

June 26th, 2023

June 2023 was a fulfilling month for our MBA students with the experiential learning course in the United Kingdom. Led by MBA Director Professor Kevin Chiang, the students travelled to Imperial College London to participate in a research project focused on the market and branding of the Royal Albert Hall. This iconic concert venue has a century-long history and is renowned for its prestige.


During their visit, the students had the opportunity to explore the Royal Albert Hall and learn about its heritage. They also had the chance to engage with the marketing and branding managers of the venue to gain insights into its positioning and marketing strategies.

Through the interactive workshops at Imperial College London, our students learned different market strategies, brand management techniques, market research insights, and presentation skills that enabled them to delve deeper into the project concerning the Royal Albert Hall.


On the final day of the course, the students delivered group presentations to the Marketing and Branding Managers of the Royal Albert Hall, sharing their findings and recommendations on expanding the customer base to attract younger audiences, implementing social media campaigns to rejuvenate the brand image, and leveraging digital platforms and social media for enhanced brand visibility. The students received immediate feedback from the Royal Albert Hall managers, which helped them better understand the benefits and limitations of their proposals. These interactions were highly valuable.


The "Global Brand Management" course provided the students with practical learning experiences, strengthening their market research and brand management skills while broadening their international perspectives.
