Mr Bruce Lee
2011 Graduate
Chairman (2013)
CityU MBA Alumni Association
“ The experience of studying in CityU MBA programme is memorable and inspirational. CityU MBA provides a flexible curriculum that allowed me to obtain my MSc ISM and MBA degrees within three years. The programme structure of MSc and MBA are really different. MSc focuses more on theories while MBA focuses on practical learning experience and interaction with learning partners, other universities and enterprises.
The course Professional Forum provides opportunities for students to interact with top leaders, Industry Onsite workshops allows us to visit enterprise and gain a betting understanding of business, Enterprise Diagnostic Residential Trip in China requires student to solve real problem for enterprise, and the study trip to UC Berkeley help to broaden our vision on entrepreneurship and innovation.
Studying as a part-time student at CityU MBA was very tough yet enjoyable one. One of the benefits as a part-time student is that I could apply what I learned from the programme to my daily work. I had taken the course MBA project which required me to diagnose a real management problem from my company. With the support of my Project Supervisor and my Manager at work, my project report received the Outstanding Academic Papers by Students (OAPS) 2012 award from CityU and the Hewlett Packard Most Valuable People (HP MVP) 2012 from my company.
One of the important purposes for studying MBA is to widen the horizon out of individual social network. Therefore, I joined the CityU MBA Alumni Association to continue support and promote the programme to my friends and colleagues. I believe the CityU MBA is one of my most valuable investments in my life. ”