A team of CityU MBA students and alumni (The Hitchcock team) is representing the University to compete with 14 other MBA teams in the Operation Santa Claus (OSC) MBA Charity Challenge 2014. The annual fundraising campaign, jointly organised by South China Morning Post (SCMP) and Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK), is designed for the teams to utilise their innovativeness and business skills to raise money for the needy in Hong Kong and China.
This is the first year that a CityU MBA team participates in this charity event. The OSC Challenge will involve a series of fundraising activities organised by the CityU Hitchcock team from November to December 2014 to receive donations from the CityU Community.
The Hitchcock team comprises of five MBA students and alumni from 2012 and 2013 cohort: Cathy Fang, Samuel Li, Ken Lin, Christine Seto and Tanya Tang. The team welcomes your support by participating their events, making direct donation and providing other means of support and sponsorship. Please visit the team’s Facebook page at www.facebook.com/cityuhitchcock (English) and WeChat platform at 香港城市大學愛心聖誕大行動微信號:OSC2014HITCHCOCK (Chinese) for details.
For direct donation, please click:
For enquiry, please contact Ken Lin via email: ken.lin@my.cityu.edu.hk
To learn more about OSC, please visit the website: http://osc.scmp.com/mbachallenge