Craft and Curate Global Brand – Bentley Motor

July 13th, 2018


Working together with the Imperial College Business School, a group of 40 participants stayed in London for the 10-day Global Brand Management programme in July for lectures, workshops, and a project with Bentley Motors.

The Art and Science in Global Brand Management
Students participated in a series of training from brand management, design thinking, and performance science delivered by the Faculty of Imperial College London and Royal College of Music. Students also learned much from the Bentley branding team on its very personalized services offered to their customers.

Learn the Emerging Technologies from World-class Faculty and Experts
Comprising a strong team of faculty and industry experts with rich experiences in branding and marketing, Dr. Omar Merlo, Strategic Marketing Master Programme Director at Imperial College, Prof. Andreas Eisingerich, Full-Time MBA Programme Director at Imperial College, and other experienced branding strategists with multi-national exposure shared their insights on brand experience in the digital world, and emerging technologies in brand management.


Contribute Ideas to Attract more UHNWs for Bentley Motor
Apart from the custom-made lectures and workshops, the visit at the Bentley Headquarters to Crewe allowed students to learn how a brand is made. Students interacted with Bentley’s brand management team while listening to their brand story and the automotive design demonstration. For this project-based learning exercise, students were asked to recommend Bentley on how to curate brand equity in order to attract Asian UHNW (Ultra High Net Worth) clients and presented to the branding team for comments at the end of the programme.


Equipping with Latest Skills in Design and Technology

Learning design concepts through workshops focusing on topics like Story-telling: User Journeys and Design Thinking inspired students the importance of customer-centric contents and helped students to transform their original ideas into real prototype-based business propositions. Experiencing the performance simulator allowed students to evaluate their stress level under risk and uncertain environment during presenting ideas in public.

To ensure compelling branding issues being included, we continued to enrich the programme contents and added a video creation session, and a strategic digital marketing sharing held in Google Academy London this year.


Go Global. Stay Competitive and Resilient
This invaluable experience of curating a real global luxury brand have given our participants the chance to think about the global audiences and challenge themselves to operate outside of their own perceived comfort zones.
