In April 2019, CityU MBA partnered with the Imperial College Business School to conduct a 2-week Global Brand Management programme in London for over 40 participants working on a branding project for Tesco, the world’s third-largest retailer.

Learn Brand Theories and Winning Strategies in Retail from Experts
Students participated in a series of training workshops on brand management and design thinking at the Imperial College Business School and the Royal College of Art, and experienced the performance simulator of the Royal College of Music. With a strong team of faculty and industry experts from the areas of branding and marketing including Dr Omar Merlo, Strategic Marketing Master Programme Director and Prof. Andreas Eisingerich, Full-Time MBA Programme Director at Imperial College, students gained much insight on brand experiences in the retail market.

Contribute Ideas to the Tesco Finest* and Jack’s Projects
Apart from the custom-made training workshops, the visit to Tesco Headquarters at Welwyn Garden City allowed students to learn how a global brand has been evolving since 1919 and its core purpose continually being passionate to “serve shoppers a little better every day”. Students grasped the opportunities to interact with the Tesco brand management team while listening to the overview of Tesco and the sharing of its brands and customer segmentation. For this project-based learning experience, students were asked to analyse
Tesco’s own-brands: Tesco Finest* and Jack’s; and propose strategic recommendations on how the Tesco brand may sustain according to their analysis findings. They presented to the branding team for comments at the end of the programme for insightful feedback.

Equip with the Latest Skills in Design and Experience Performance Simulator
Learning design concepts through workshops in the Royal College of Art (RCA) inspired students the importance of customer-centric contents and helped them transform their original ideas into real prototype-based business propositions. Experiencing the performance simulator in the Royal College of Music allowed students to evaluate their stress level under risk and uncertain environment while presenting ideas in public.

Go Global and Step out of Comfort Zones
This invaluable experience of working in Retail Branding have given our participants the chance to think about the global audiences and challenge themselves to work outside of their comfort zones.