MBA Sustainability Symposium: Adapting to the Changing Financial Terrain

June 29th, 2024

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The CityUHK MBA hosted a Sustainability Symposium titled "Adapting to the Changing Financial Terrain" on 29 June 2024 to explore the role of innovation in promoting a sustainable financial landscape.

Over 60 participants, including prospective and current students, alumni, and industry professionals, attended the symposium. The symposium featured several speakers who provided various perspectives on sustainability in the financial sector.

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Group photo of the speakers (from left in the first row): Mr Syed Musheer Ahmed, Ms Teresa Lin and Ms Angel Ng; Moderator Professor Rajeev Chib; and participants.


MBA Associate Director Professor Chak-fu Lam delivers a welcome remark before the Symposium began

The MBA Associate Director, Professor Chak-fu Lam kicked off the symposium with a welcome remark and an introduction to the MBA Programme. This was followed by a series of presentations from industry experts.

Ms Angel Ng, the Former Head of Asia North and Australia, Cluster and Banking at Citi, discussed how financial institutions adapt to the evolving sustainability landscape. She addressed the role of leadership in sustainability and pinpointed the strategies for aligning financial portfolios with sustainability goals.

Mr Syed Musheer Ahmed, the Founder and Managing Director of Finstep Asia in Hong Kong, examined the role of fintech in promoting sustainability. He provided real-world examples of how technologies are being used to create more efficient, inclusive, and environmentally conscious financial solutions.

Ms Teresa Lin, the Adviser of the Bank for International Settlements Innovation Hub, Hong Kong Centre, focused on the regulatory and policy implications of the shift towards sustainability in the financial sector. She emphasised the importance of collaboration between industry, government, and academia in facilitating this transition.

The symposium concluded with a Q&A session moderated by Professor Rajeev Chib, Adjunct Professor and Senior Business Manager at CIBC. The event ended with a networking session, where attendees connected with industry experts, students, and alumni, exchanging ideas for a more sustainable future.


The audiences exchange views with the speakers and moderator during the Q&A discussion




The attendees enjoy the networking session over refreshments

If you are interested in the CityUHK MBA Programme, please contact the MBA team to schedule a one-on-one admission chat or email them at