
SHARP Insight 2023

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The Educational Videos Cover the Pressing ESG Topics in Hong Kong

The MBA Student Organizing Committee created two videos advocating ESG practices on the topics of 'Sustainable Tourism in Hong Kong' and 'Social Entrepreneurship in Hong Kong' respectively.

ideaSustainable Tourism in Hong Kong: Empower Local Destinations

During the pandemic, the tourism business in Hong Kong faced substantial hurdles. Now comes the day of reopening the border and welcoming guests from all across the world. This allows the sector to evolve and become more sustainable and resilient. How to reconcile upgrading demand with local destination considerations? In the video, several stakeholders (e.g., residents, tour operators, and the government) involved in the tourist sector express their aspirations. Let’s explore together in the video!

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ideaDriven by Purpose: Social Entrepreneurship in Hong Kong

As social entrepreneurship continues to gain momentum in Hong Kong, the Sharp Insight video explores its increasing significance and transformative potential. This video brings to light the essence of social entrepreneurship, advocating for deeper understanding and wider support of its role in shaping a sustainable and socially impactful future.

Within the larger conversation, a Muslim social entrepreneur living in Hong Kong shares a segment of her journey. This inclusion offers a glimpse into how social entrepreneurship can aid in empowering ethnic minorities and nurturing community inclusivity, supplementing the broader discussion on the significance of social entrepreneurship in Hong Kong.

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